Starke Arvid

Innovative product development that leads the construction industry forward

Through constant development of our products, we keep ourselves up to date on the industry and its challenges. In this way, we can quickly develop solutions to both existing and new problem areas in your business.

We work closely with the construction industry in order to firmly establish our products in reality. In this way, we also constantly discover new problem areas. There are always elements of both processes and systems that can be enhanced and made more profitable. We strive to help companies develop a smooth and safe construction process that will be profitable at all times. By solving our customers’ problems, we also create satisfied users. Both those who buy and those who use our products.

Innovative solutions to traditional problems

We allocate a large portion of our revenues to product development and production of new solutions, as well as refinement of the existing solutions we already have. Our proximity to production allows us to quickly implement improvements that provide production-efficient solutions for both buyers and users.

A development proposal will always be tested first against our requirements for ergonomics, functionality and economy. Then we test a prototype of the product in the real world – in the toughest conditions imaginable. If the prototype can handle this, it is accepted and we begin production of a new Starke Arvid product. Working with us makes things easier.

We are a simple partner for developing innovative solutions to traditional problems.

Ergonomics – a given for an efficient construction industry

Working ergonomically must be both simple and effective. Productivity and quality of work are directly related to the amount of sick leave and occupational injuries. Healthy employees are a safe bet to make your business stronger and more profitable. Invest in ergonomic products that also are easy and fun to use.

Experience of ergonomic solutions

We at Starke Arvid have worked to develop ergonomic equipment for 30 years. This means that we possess expertise in the field that we bring to our work when we design and develop our products. That is why you can trust that our products will always be designed to relieve and protect your body in the best way. At the same time our products contribute to higher efficiency in each separate element of your logistics chain because they also simplify the work process.

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“Putting in a good day’s work should not be a pain! Industrial injuries due to poor ergonomics are a waste and just as important to eliminate as excess production or wait time. Good ergonomics strengthen competitiveness, in both the Swedish and international market.”

Linda Rose

Technician Dr., University lecturer in ergonomics
Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, School of Technology and Health

Safety and economy go hand in hand

Investing in a safe and sound work environment at the worksite is one of the best bets you can make as a company for a profitable system of work. Deficiencies in these procedures can result in a huge waste of labour and skills. That in itself is bad enough, but even worse is the fact that your employees can become injured.

Important cornerstones of a profitable workplace

Your construction site is a transport centre with building components that must be moved in various ways. Factors such as safety and logistics are extremely important so that every element interacts smoothly with the others in a safe, convenient and efficient way. You need to have these factors in mind in order to profit from your construction. They are foundation stones for working towards a profitable worksite.
Creating more efficient operations also increases average satisfaction at the worksite. When you make investments such as good site lighting, structure and sensible tools and equipment, work becomes easier and safer for your employees. Everyone in the company benefits from a thorough logistics and safety program.

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“Since a construction site is an intensive transport centre, key factors like safety and logistics are very important.”

Bosse Andersson
Work Environment Engineer Previa AB.

Environmentally certified since 2013

Taking social responsibility is a given for us and since 2013 we at Starke Arvid have been environmentally certified.
A big part of taking responsibility is about working with environmental concerns. Our environmental certification involves:

  • We have a written purchase process governing environmentally sound and ethical sourcing.
  • We have an environmental policy that reflects our intentions and controls our environmental work.
  • We have documented accounting of how we sort all waste.
  • There are safety data sheets for all chemicals.
  • All our employees have undergone environmental training.

Earn up to 67 percent with efficient plasterboard handling

The handling of a sheet of plasterboard is considerably more costly than its purchase. All the various peripheral activities around installation make up more than half of the total cost of a sheet of plasterboard.

Contrary to what many believe, the purchase price is a relatively small part of the final cost of a sheet of plasterboard. There are a number of different elements to putting a sheet of plasterboard in place on the wall. These elements conceal many built-in costs for the resources required for transport and installation. Costs that can easily skyrocket.

Starke Arvid manufactures products that with the right knowledge and system can minimise all waste and unnecessary expenses behind plasterboard installation. When there is an efficient flow for related activities, the entire process becomes more economical as a whole.

We help you create a more cost-efficient production flow

Research has shown that by streamlining plasterboard handling you can achieve a cost savings of 16 to 67 percent. The right tools, the right management and proper recycling can reduce the processing time for plasterboard installation by approximately 50 percent (Blomqvist, Camitz, Mattsson, 2009).

We at Starke Arvid are experts at finding and realising opportunities for efficiency in your business. Together we can solve your challenges and create a more cost efficient production flow that benefits everyone.

Code of Conduct

Starke Arvid is a part of Indutrade. Indutrade is a growing group in a changing world.
We live in a time in which environmental, social and business ethics issues are taking on increasingly greater significance for how companies are perceived and permitted to conduct their operations. We have therefore developed a Code of Conduct. Read our code of conduct here…

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